This is an unprecedented time for all of us with unique and complex challenges. For most of us, life as we know it, will remain mostly unchanged but for some of our population in Polson and Lake County as well as across the nation, life will be a challenge. With the stress and daily uncertainties, it’s never been more critical to stay connected with one another. Social Distancing is important and mandatory to reduce transmission and keep each other safe and healthy but we are social creatures who thrive on our connections with others.
We at the Greater Polson Community Foundation would like to help ease the burdens we know have developed in response to the COVID-19 virus. As we are updated on the needs of the community as well as the non-profit groups supporting these needs, we will post information here to spread information without the germs.
We are aware that the Polson Loaves & Fish Food Pantry as well as the Helping Hands of the Mission Valley have both seen an increase in the amount of local service they are providing. Both groups are seeking volunteers, donations and support. If you would like to make a directed gift or donation to either of these organizations or other non-profits in the Greater Polson area, you can make a directed gift through the GPCF donate button. If indicated as such, we will direct any tax deductible gifts to the organizations.
Please stay safe, healthy and connected to Polson community through our website and social media. We look forward to celebrating with our supporters, friends and families at our August Passion for Polson at the Barn on Finley Point.
Best Wishes,
Toni Young Whealon, President GPCF